Education WordPress Theme used for Online Education Websites
Education WordPress Theme is Mobile-friendly and is a must for modern websites, is a fully Responsive Layout and adapts to any screen. This theme is suitable for small to medium business owners who have online businesses. This theme can be used for Online Education websites to sell their products.
One Page and Multipage options layout, Testimonial (Custom Plugin), Contact Form, Parallax Feature, Cross-Browser Compatible, Customize easily, and Retina Ready. Check our theme live preview and you will realize how easy it is.
If you are thinking that this can’t be achieved with the help of a high-level programmer then now it’s time to change your views.
LMS Education WordPress Theme
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Education WordPress Theme
Education WordPress Theme Comes with a newsletter so you can easily share your email address With us.
Social Sharing Icons
To drive more activity to your online store, our themes and templates include different online networks and sharing buttons. This will give your buyers a chance to follow you on social media networks and share your items with their friends online.
Extra Pages
Education Multipurpose WordPress Themes Provides Extra Pages and it consists of Contact Us, Contact with Map, Contact with Image, News, Testimonials, Testimonial Carousel, Clients, Pricing, Maintenance, Underconstruction, and Page Not Found 404.
Education Premium WordPress Themes Provides a Grid and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and 6 Columns.
Grid Gutter
Education WordPress Theme Provides Grid Gutter and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and 6 Columns.
Education Premium Responsive WordPress Themes Provides Masonry and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and 6 Columns.
Wide Gutter
Multipurpose Responsive WordPress Themes Provides a Wide Gutter and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and 6 Columns.
LMS WordPress Theme Provides Wide and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and 6 Columns.
Grid With Title
Education Premium WordPress Themes Provides Grid With Title and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and 6 Columns.
Wide Gutter With Title
Responsive WordPress Theme Provides Wide Gutter With Title and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and 6 Columns.
Multipurpose WordPress Themes Provides Other and it consists of Single Portfolio, Portfolio Boxed, Portfolio Fullwidth, Portfolio With Sidebar, and Portfolio Lightbox.
WordPress Multipurpose Themes Provides a Grid and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and Full Width.
Responsive WordPress Themes Provides Masonry and it consists of 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, and Full Width Masonry.
WordPress Theme Provides Default and it consists of Right Sidebar and Left Sidebar.
Education Multipurpose Responsive WordPress Themes Provides Elements and it consists of Buttons, Carousels, Messages & Callouts, Google Maps & Video, Grid, Progress Bars, Counter and Skills, Countdown Timer, Text Banners, Dividers, Sliders, Images, Accordions, Features Box, Tabs, Subscribe, Fancy Boxes, Text with Icon, Headings, Tabs & Tours, Alert Messages, Parallax Backgrounds, Form, Typography, Text Slider, Information Banners, Image Gallery, Icon, Accordions & Toggles, Bars & Pie Charts, Video/Sound, and Call To Action.