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Introducing Theme Option To Make Your Website

Introducing Theme Option to make your website


Introducing: Theme Option


Theme setting can be found on Theme Option

Lack of customization options is the main reason why people hesitate to go ahead with pre-built websites. We can help you to stay away from that hassle. Here’s what you can customize on your website:

We provide you with lightweight, fast, and easily customizable themes for your WordPress website.

In Theme Option you can find General Settings, Header Options, Footer Options, CSS / JS, Custom Page Builder, Style Options, Typography Options, Export / Import Options .


1. General Settings

– Select the General Settings to change the logo, retina logo, sticky header logo, favicon.


Theme Option



2. Header Options

– Select the Header Options to enable the top bar, header, and sticky header.


– You can find multiple in-built header layouts in our themes. You just need to go through those options and pick the best header out of them.



Theme Option



3. Footer Options

– Select the Footer Options for Enable / Disable footer area and change copyright text.


Theme Option



4. CSS / JS

– Additional JS and CSS can be managed from CSS / JS Options.


Theme Option



  • You are able to easily change General Settings, Header Options, Footer Options, CSS / JS.


  • Other details such as Typography, Import Options, Style Options, Custom Page Builder.


  • By using all these, you can easily make your website.


  • All these options make you very useful in making your website.


  • Define your own fonts and colors to the website based on your branding guidelines. You can easily represent your brand identity through the website you create.


  • We hope Theme Option module will provide you more options for create your website 🙂



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